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graphic of a mummer with a banjo

String Bands

  • Aqua
  • Avalon
  • Broomall
  • Duffy
  • Durning
  • Ferko
  • Fralinger
  • Greater Kensington
  • Greater Overbrook
  • Hegeman
  • Irish American
  • Pennsport
  • Polish American
  • Quaker City
  • South Philadelphia
  • Trilby
  • Uptown
  • Woodland

graphic made up of diamond shapes graphic of a mummer with a banjo graphic made up of diamond shapes graphic of a mummer with a banjo graphic made up of diamond shapes graphic of a mummer with a banjo graphic made up of diamond shapes

A Unique Sound

The Mummers sound comes from a unique combination of instruments that include: banjos, saxophones, accordions, double basses, violins, drums, and glockenspiels.

  • photo of a banjo
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of a saxophone
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of an accordion
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of a double bass
    Double Bass
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of a violin
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of a drum
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
  • photo of a glockenspiel
    graphic made up of diamond shapes
photo of a mummer

String Bands

The third division is the string bands which are the musical highlight of the parade. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sed est at turpis iaculis tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem sapien, facilisis mattis commodo ullamcorper, adipiscing vel ipsum.

String bands provide the most elaborate performances and are most audience members' favorite part of the parade. Limited to unamplified strings, reeds, and percussion; string bands feature banjos, saxophones, accordions, double basses, drums, glockenspiels and violins in musical arrangements tied to a theme presented by the captain, beautiful costumes and props (some people call them floats).


photo of banjo playing mummers

Early Years

String bands have almost always been part of the official parade. Quisque imperdiet magna at dui venenatis imperdiet. Donec et malesuada tellus. Praesent convallis tincidunt felis, non feugiat turpis ullamcorper quis. Pellentesque lobortis ultricies porttitor. Maecenas eget erat elit, et porttitor elit. Suspendisse molestie tortor gravida libero tempor facilisis.

Modern String Bands

Historically, String Bands performed mostly in military drill formations. Harrowgate (now Uptown) String Band's first prize winning railroad tunes with Broadway-style dance in 1976 changed that. String Band performances are now the most elaborate of the parade, outdone only by the Fancy Brigades indoor performance. Praesent venenatis turpis at erat commodo condimentum. Pellentesque ipsum massa, aliquet at egestas vitae, rutrum ut lacus. Ut semper, lacus vitae posuere interdum, augue ipsum sodales quam, sit amet eleifend velit est vitae lacus. Mauris a tellus eget tellus egestas euismod.

The Rest of the Year

photo of a  mummer


String bands put on fundraisers through out the year to generate the money needed to pay for the costs of putting on the New Years performance. Cras fringilla volutpat faucibus. Aenean ut leo elit, vel volutpat est. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc accumsan, risus vel pharetra pharetra, enim metus dapibus neque, ullamcorper semper augue sapien at est.

Community Invovlement

String bands are active in their communities year round. Phasellus id arcu quis lorem dapibus accumsan. Duis sit amet dolor a lacus elementum interdum. Fusce consequat imperdiet velit in bibendum. Vestibulum placerat convallis mi, quis porttitor nisi tristique ac. Cras et tortor libero. Curabitur congue magna massa. Cras aliquam facilisis ullamcorper.

photo of mummers

Other Performances

Some string bands perform at other events during the year. Nullam posuere malesuada nibh, a dignissim ipsum pretium ut. Nunc fringilla bibendum mattis. Nulla vitae tempor augue. Vivamus ante sapien, dignissim eu auctor sed, volutpat id turpis. n hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque sodales, est ut rutrum pharetra, libero nunc mattis risus, vitae lobortis ipsum nisl eget lorem. Praesent vel magna bibendum neque fringilla mattis id pulvinar elit.


The Rules for Judging

The performances are judged and prizes are awarded. There is an official set of rules. Vestibulum varius ante vitae metus facilisis ut tincidunt augue eleifend. Integer eu sollicitudin mauris. Vestibulum viverra tellus quis sem viverra luctus. Vestibulum dapibus neque at felis suscipit eu vestibulum tellus sollicitudin. Sed et est erat. Donec eros ante, eleifend nec placerat non, mollis vel enim. Donec erat magna, ultricies eget pretium adipiscing, pulvinar a mauris.

photo of a mummer photo of a mummers

2010 String Band Results

Top 5
  • 1  Fralinger
  • 2  Ferko
  • 3  Quaker City
  • 4  South Philadelphia
  • 5  Avalon

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