material matters
Fuzzy Tangles
A funky and chunky yarn that comes in a good variety of colors. We like this yarn mainly for trims and for fashion accessories such as purses. The chunkiness and fuzziness may make this a difficult yarn for beginnners.
ReThreads Recyled
While we're a big fan of going green, we're not really too sure about this yarn. The quality of the fibers seem a little weak, and we suspect that this yarn wouldn't wear well if used to create clothing items or anything that would get a lot of use.
Sock Monkey
Like the name implies, this yarn is great for socks. It is soft yet durable. Yarn crafters of all skill levels will appreciate how easy this yarn is to work with.
reading material
Adorable Amiguri
If you're looking for a good resource on the very popular trend of creating amiguri, this is the book for you. It offers a wide range of projects with easy to read patterns and diagrams that vary in skill level.
World of Weaving
We normally don't do coffee table books,but his one was too beautiful to resist. The photos and overall design are simply gorgeous. Looking at it would definitely provide inspiration to those who weave.
the poll
What is you favorite craft to do with yarn?
47% Knit
39% Crochet
11% Weave
3% Other
new question
What new brand of yarn do you most want to try?

rating system
= don't bother
= it's a possibility
= a pretty good find
= definitely get it